SEPTEMBER TAROTSCOPE – Know What The Stars Have In Store For You This Month

Hello September, please be good. Know what the stars have in store for you this month.


You are almost there, now is not the time to give up. Your patience and perseverance would pay off soon. If there are any unresolved issues, then this is a month to resolve them. This month is also a time to rise above the negativity and keep your spirits high. It’s important to comprehend what your strengths and weaknesses are. Before you make any move, weigh the pros and cons. With regards to money, a slow and steady approach would lead to a bigger accomplishment.


September for you is all about being clear with the communication and that clarity would happen once you are clear with your thoughts. Try to filter out the words to avoid offending anybody. Dear earth sign, once you set a goal, march ahead and go for it. You would be full of energy and others would find it difficult to cope up with you. During such a time, step back and take a deep breath to think through it. It will be a good idea to have a mixed approach of logic and heart.


The world cannot be governed without juggling, you have to be the juggler to sail through this September. Learn to balance many things together, otherwise, the situation and things would start slipping away. Some of you would also experience the inflow and outflow of money. Don’t get stressed out if you have to manage your logic and emotional side. It’s a part and parcel of life. Focus on the broader perspective of life & remain flexible in the approach.


It’s a gentle reminder from the cards to move on or step away from negativity or negative people. You will have to realize that a few things aren’t meant for you and the sooner you walk away, the better it would be. Keep a check on your emotional outburst as it can create some chaos for you and people around you. Some of you would be on the brink of leaving a job or walking away from a relationship. You also need to focus on discovering more about yourself. Don’t just complain about things not happening your way.


You are a natural born leader and possess a certain charm. This month is all about getting things done; focus on unleashing the creativity as you would be bubbling with energy. Keep a check on your temper as it would be difficult to handle too many things and this would make you a bit cranky. Your clear goal would lead to actions and it would lead results which you are expecting. Whether you are single or committed, the chemistry with somebody from opposite sex would go up.


You have been working hard lately and this month is all about rejuvenation and hibernation. Go easy and slow this month. Give your grey cells some rest and focus on calming your mind. Practice mindfulness that would also reduce the stress level. Before you embark on the new journey or pick up from wherever you left, it’s important to keep taking breaks. If you experience some pain in the head, then don’t take it lightly. You need some me-time to think through.

READ: How To Feel More Confident At Work, Based On Your Zodiac Sign


A lack of clarity could put brakes on your journey of success. This September, your emotional side would take the much-needed break and the rational side would pick up. You are a fair person (like any Air sign) and people keep coming to you for the fair guidance and help. I am also seeing that September is all about standing for what is right and not giving in to any pressure. Walk the path with truth and integrity. If you are in the field of communication, law, consulting or finance, then it’s an important month.


This month marks the beginning of an exciting phase in your life related to love/relationship or marriage. Love and emotional happiness would be overflowing this month. Be more expressive towards others this month. Some of you would feel extremely creative this month; unleash that creativity. Lots of positive vibes would flow if you remain sensitive towards others. Single people may find somebody interesting.


The guidance is asking you to let go of the worries and stress as good and happy things are coming your way, even though you may feel that things are not progressing swiftly or happening the way you had thought of. Calm your mental chatter and keep faith in yourself and the higher force. This month is also about positive accomplishments and recognising the efforts that are being put by your colleagues. After all, success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.


It’s all about finding the calm in the chaos. Quiet your mind as too much is happening, yes literally too much is happening. The guidance is asking you to stop getting bogged down by other people, learn to say no. At work front, don’t take too much work if your plate is full. If you are holding on to something, then release it as the same would help you to grow at a personal level. Back pain can be seen on the cards, take good care of your health. Take the lessons and move on.


Connect to your soul and roots and express gratitude for where you have reached with all the support and the efforts. This month is about reunions and catching up with those you haven’t met lately. Sprinkle kindness wherever you go. Focus on your root chakra, eat more red colored fruits and vegetables. Unresolved issues or concerns require attention. Just sit back and relax, its a month to enjoy with old friends and cousins and most importantly, keeping that innocence alive.


Your sarcastic and witty nature would go a notch up, simply because you have seen how the world operates. Embrace the world and its beauty by being a realist, go out and help others who need a helping hand. Be independent in your thoughts and opinion. If there is something that requires a decision, then don’t let external voices or emotions distract you. Your upfront approach can be disliked by people around you. Present your thoughts with clarity.

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