Here’s Why We Need To Change The Way Men Stare And Not The Way Women Dress

An image called ‘Judgements’ was created by a Canadian Artist Roseau Lake, which went viral a few years ago. As you must have heard, ‘a picture speaks thousand words’, well, this picture showed how women are judged by the length of their hemlines. A girl wearing a pair of shorts on this summery afternoon is looked down upon as an ‘open invitation’ for all testosterone filled guys who can’t control their pants. Well, the girl who decided to sweat herself out, by wearing long pants which covers her bare legs, is considered a ‘restricted property’ and is shielded from the evil eyes of the men. What do you call this? Equality of sexes or empowered women? An open invitation to what? Come and feast on the skin she is showing off?

Joshi, a psychologist and blogger, says that at times there is a slack-jawed stare, a courtship ploy and the other times, the gaze is deliberate and down-right predatory. This staring-contest is just a naturally occurring calamity, it can happen anywhere and anytime. The foreign tourists has written countless blogs and at least six questions are found on Quora about this.

A joint study by a team of US and Israeli researchers showed that women tend to go silent if they feel that they are being checked out.

Also, Elle video shows the various defensive moves women use: shielding their breasts with their handbags or huge corporate files, re-arranging their dupattas or scarfs or else pulling down their hemlines to make sure no skin is visible.

In Kerala, IPS officer Rishiraj Singh recently caused some scandalous uproar when he claimed that staring at a woman for more than 14 seconds was a punishable offence. Also, a woman has the right to seek recourse under the Section 354C and 354D, voyeurism and stalking, apart from the law against outraging the modesty of a woman.

Yes, the woman has got rights. Yes, the woman has got a strong voice. Yes, the woman can fight. But, why does she need to be all that when we can change that ‘threatening stare or look of a man’ across the streets, in the bus, in the long queue in the bank or anywhere. Why do the women need to keep their fingers crossed when they step out of their houses or keep adjusting their clothes till they appear like a Christian nun? It’s about time that we raise our boys in an environment where there is no superior sex, it’s just a girl and a boy. Simple.

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