November Tarotscope 2018 – Know What The Stars Have In Store For You

Fall winds, ushering festivities and the holiday season – yay November! It’s the best of times. Know what the stars have in store for you this month.


Breathe with absolute certainty and clarity that who you are is powerfully enough. Step into your personal power and embrace every feeling that you experience during this time. Dearie, don’t be apologetic for being you and most important for being confident.

Let your inner self come out, celebrate your body, mind, and spirit this month. If need be, dance to the tune of inner melody. Remember who you are and the game would change.


The most wasted of all days is the one without laughter. Whatever you are doing, take a moment, pause your action and just smile. Feel the joy within you, suffuse you, bathing you. This November is a perfect month to let go what doesn’t serve you. When you let go, you make space for something better. It’s all about trusting oneself and what makes you smile. It’s time to have some fun, shake it off. Let your hair down as the universe has your back. Know that you are as free as you allow yourself to be.


Your place is here, in the infinite spiral of life. Wholeness, that which you seek can be found within you. And, in reaching out to those around you. Spaces, people, opportunities, deeds. It is right there, you need to only look at it. You have what you need, you are what you seek. The wheel spins, the world turns, the pattern weaves, your heart beats. Completion | Wholeness | Universality is the key for November.

This Is How You Inspire People, Based On Your Zodiac Sign


Pause and witness the miracle. New beginnings and fresh thoughts along with hopes await you this month. You are a reservoir of positivity and confidence, tap into this source. Don’t let childlike innocence to live the life fully fizzle out. Remember something, what starts from you ends at you. The truth of being may be deeper and grander than you had imagined. Look before and witness the magic of this life.


What is stopping you to open up to new opportunities and possibilities? Life is opening up a door of new things and giving you a platform to explore. Take a running leap, dear. Fly free, stand tall and walk true. Soar beyond that which you thought was possible, beyond your capabilities. This November, you have the power to taste the air, taste the liberation, taste the sweetness of hope when you soar high and achieve your dreams.


November is all about reunion, calling up your friends and having a hearty conversation. Lend a helping hand and you never who would get benefitted from this gesture. Happiness is knowing you have found your soul sister, if at all you have been thinking to join something with your cousin/friends/soul sister, then go for it without a second thought. Celebrate and rejoice this month.


 Open up your heart chakra as you have been experiencing many emotions and it’s time to accept them. Surround yourself with green as it will help you balance this chakra. Love surrounds you and you are the instrument through which its song is played. Make it a sweet one. Make it a long one. Make it a strong one. Through the cracks enters the light, unconditional love surrounds you and the only way to embrace it is by opening up. Don’t let anything scare you or make you vulnerable.


 What are you sowing this month? Your efforts and hardwork would start paying you off, don’t back off at this time. All you have to do is combine these 3 things: Hard work, patience and perseverance and rest everything would fall into place. Remember that others like you are also putting in the effort, unearthing their own riches. Genius is 1% and 99% is hard work. See the opportunity in all areas of life.


There might not already be a path; walking together we create one. Power expands when it is shared with everybody. If you want to go fast, go alone but if you want to go far, go together. There is power in joining hands, there is power in cooperation, you aren’t isolated. When you become part of a community or a tribe, together everyone achieves. This November, grow with everybody who has been with you.


The wheel of fortune goes ‘round’ and ‘round’ and where she stops nobody knows. Change is coming up and you are not in full control, you do not make all the choices as few things aren’t in your control. Keep your mind open to all kinds of changes and signs that the universe is showing. If you are someone who likes to control things then be prepared to be in the state of shock. You are entering an unknown territory and it’s making you anxious, just surrender.

Which Zodiac Sign Are You Compatible With, Based On Your Own


The time has come to draw lines. Having healthy boundaries is a form of self-love and self-respect. Set firm boundaries, establish personal space, draw lines in the sand if needed. The ability to step forward with purpose would be there this month. This month is a gentle reminder that it’s necessary to speak up. Determination, vitality, and truth would be a lethal combo for you. It’s like my way or highway and there is nothing wrong with us. You are more than enough and sometimes that is scary. And, sometimes it scares others.


How often do you think and not feel? How often do you hold something in your mind rather feel it in the body? Close your eyes and let go, release and let go. There is nothing to lose and everything to gain. It’s time to soak your heart in the streams of change, the ocean of possibility and the arms of all. Adjust your life, your expectations. Can you spread your arms and sink into the very body of a goddess?


Ruchika Beri (Tarot Card Reader, Oracle Card Reader, Coffee Cup Reader, Listening Hermit, Certified Crystal Healer & Reiki Level 1 Practitioner) | Phone: 91-9829254288 | Website:

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