7 Non-Sexual Ways To Charm Your Way Into Her Heart

You would be a little stunned when I say that a man without the perfect attire, a delectable accent or that mugged-up wine drinking routine can totally dazzle you with a set of other interesting things. For instance- there’s nothing sexier than a guy submitting his full attention to what you have got to say. A guy hearing you is common; but a guy listening to you, that’s a rarity. 

Here are 7 non-sexual ways a guy can charm his way into your heart.

  1. When he lends his whole attention to you

Do make the difference here! A guy who has eyes for you but not ears isn’t your genuine companion. The one who remembers things you said, who is more interested in holding conversations with you & not just make-out sessions and the one who asks for your opinions and keeps you indulged is the guy with an ability to incite a feeling in you.

  1. When he gives equal respect to your friends & relatives

A man respecting you, that’s normal! But a man giving equal respect to your girlfriends, relatives & family, well that’s something different! This quality doesn’t get un-noticed, when you come across such rare breed of men. Also, respect is something which can never be faked. It is something which comes from within! So, just catch that look in her eyes when you are treating her people with that respect! (Stay prepared for the surprise once you are alone with her!)

  1. Oh! his chivalrous ways

Yes, chivalry can be the new black in the fashion! Or you could say, that this is something which can never go out of trend! A man with suave mannerisms, soft speaking skills, gentlemanly ways and a knack for perfection can get any woman reeling with a childlike excitement!

  1. A man with a great sense of humour

A man who can tighten your muscles with his hilarious talks and not his sultry looks, is the kind to be treasured! To make someone smile comes with a great work of art. And if a man seems to achieve that art of making anyone laugh or smile, then this is the kind to go after! So if you are with your girl, and you can see that everyone is enjoying your take on anything with rumbling laughter or excited smiles, then know that your girl is surely going to kiss your cheeks as you two get behind the closed doors.

  1. A man with a purpose is really sexy

A man who is uncertain with his life and himself, comes off as boring and timid. A man on a purpose, ridden with this ambition and chasing some passion is something which can always make a woman swoon over him!

  1. A man who is empathetic & not just sympathetic

Yes, all women would find a lot of men who are sympathetic. But a man who truly feels your pain, finds solutions and considers your problems as his own, is the one who is filled with the truest form of compassion! A man who loves himself and others too, is the one capable enough to make any woman want him!

  1. A man who is confused yet he knows how to tackle shit

Any man would be confused on what to order, when facing a menu (every one of us are allowed to get confused like a two year old child who wants to taste everything on the menu). But, a man who is fast to find solutions in the time of any uncertain contingencies is the one who takes the trophy away. Humans are all confused beings, but a man who is sure about what he wants and knows how to achieve it, is the kind which is craved & wanted by the women in million ways.

Being sexual and nicely-dressed is never enough. External beauty can get you a girl, but the ‘inner beauty’ is the one which would make that girl stay for good! So, if you want ‘quality over quantity’ then try imbibing these qualities which make you a MAN in the truest sense.

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