June is symbolic of summer and royalty. Seeking inspiration from this aspect of nature, our June Issue is based on the theme of luxury. A Royal Affair is symbolic of our affinity towards the finest of the fine things in life. Inside the issue, you will find insights on how to imbibe luxury in various aspects of your life, right from your attire to your mindset.

The face of the cover for June is Samantha Lowe, an Australian entrepreneur, designer, creative director, and founder of the cafe & lounge bar, La Palma. Passionate and strong-willed, Samantha’s success story is no less than a Hollywood fable. In this month’s issue, Samantha is going to share her story with our readers.


All throughout June, our thoughts go out to the subtle morning breeze, the calm of summer haze and the soft ripples of sunset. Merging this seasonal experience with different facets of life, we will endeavor to offer you content as fresh as the season, all throughout the month, while consciously interweaving it with our inherent theme of Empowerment.

Our last month’s issue was well-received and we hope the same for this month, thanking all our keen readers and followers. 

Extended Thanks To:

Samantha Singh, for being the face of our cover.

Valére Jewellery, for offering the gorgeous jewels.

Swati Ubroi,  for offering the gorgeous outfit.

Muskaan K. Kumbhat, for makeup, styling, and direction.

La Palma, for offering the location for the cover shoot.

Rahul Kumar, for directing and photographing the cover.

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