Women are like those pulsating bubbles of champagne that are always active and looking out for the social beats. There’s finally an app that helps all the social butterflies fulfill their dream. The app ‘Heel The World’ insinuates you to step out of your regular social circle and get connected with like-minded women who belong to your area of expertise. The Champagne is best tasted when it is stirred and shaken, and so are our social relationships. So shake through the old webs of social circle, and step out to the new ones.
This app helps you to connect with passionate women from your own city and outside. All you have to do is- sign in with your Facebook account and voila! During the signing up process, the person is asked to pick three communities which best describes them, from the list of 16. These communities are the perfect reflection of what your areas of interest are. Like the other social networking sites, this app allows one to change the bio or account settings anytime. Also, on clicking on any member’s profile, one can see her avatar, her age, the communities she has picked, zodiac sign, her bio, Facebook interests and at times her Instagram images. So what are you waiting for? Sign up and get going.
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