Mira Rajput, wife of Indian actor and national heart throb Shahid Kapoor has been in the news since July 2015, when the two of them tied the knot in an arranged marriage set up and became the talk of the town. She recently made her public debut on the mother of all talk shows, Koffee With Karan, Season 5 and turned out to be quite a revelation herself. Their playful banter was on point and in full display.
While we adored their new- young love, they definitely did set some couple goals for all of us, which even made Karan remark as if he was shooting for some Valentines Day special episode. Indeed, touchwood, you both!
In no time, twitter was flooded with tweets for the newly restored faith in arrange marriages, but what disturbed me were few tweets which looked down at Mrs Kapoor as a twenty something with zero ambition. Some even questioned that if it is 2017 that we are living in! I remember few of my friends gasping in shock when they found out that somebody of their age was already married and pregnant. (Mira was around 21 when she met Shahid, he being 34).
So, Okay, easy there! *Breathe* First of all, we and by ‘we’ I mean all of us are in no position to judge their relationship because what works out for one couple might not work for another and we are not here to lay any foundation of ‘generalisation.’ This brings me to the concept of feminism and equal rights. Yes, that’s what I spotted on KWK, season 5, Episode 9.
Just because a woman chooses marriage and kids, say over a degree, a 9 to5 job or some literati, artistic, athletic pursuit in career, does not mean that she has zero ambition in life. When we talk about equality and freedom, this gives the right to every individual to be able to ‘choose’ how they are going to lead their lives and be happy living it, even if it involves getting married and having kids. This gives her the right to be able to live the life she has imagined for herself and be confident about it. All I could sense from that one hour encounter with Mrs. Kapoor on KWK was happiness. She seemed happily married and in love, so be it.
More Power to her.
This is the sign of a progressive society, a society where real women empower each other and do not judge.
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