February Horoscope 2018: Your Love Life For The Month Ahead

Love is a beautiful feeling, the one that claims your heart yet gives you the wings to fly. Find out what your love life has in store for you this month.


This February you are being blessed by God. Answers to your prayers await your willing receptivity. Open your arms to these gifts! The creator wills that you experience happiness, health and security and all your needs be gratified. Release your fears, love is being sent to you in many different forms so be receptive to the love that is coming your way this Valentine. Difficult times will come to an end by being receptive towards opportunities and abundance will find its way into your life this month.


This month you need more avenues for creative expression of love and what can be a better occasion than Valentine’s Day knocking in a week’s time. This valentine’s day be a part of the old school romance and make handwritten notes for your partner. Honour your inner feelings that guide you to write. Be expressive and see the miracle of these hand-written notes.


Don’t be sad if February 14 turns out to be a nonstarter. Sometimes, what appears to be a problem is actually an answered prayer in disguise. Heaven may dismantle the old to make room for new, so have faith that this change is for better. There may be some challenges or stumbling blocks along the way, but things end up exactly as they are meant to be, we just need to surrender and trust.


Start your month of love with Compassion. The answer to your question involves treating those around you in the same way you wish to be treated. This card reminds you that how you act affects everything and everyone in your life. This is a time to show the higher version of yourself. As an Indigo, you can easily detach and see the big picture in each situation. Believe what you give out is what you receive. So, treat others with fairness and compassion. Appreciate your partner’s effort whatever little he/she is doing for you.


Patience is the virtue this February! It takes time for a seedling to push through the ground and mature into a flower-bearing plant. In the same way, enjoy the process of realizing your dreams. Slow down and feel gratitude, as each step brings your manifestation into tangible form. Notice the lessons and love that spring from every moment that you engage in acting upon your dreams.


February calls for letting go of past and leaving your comfort zone. Walk the extra mile even if you feel intimidated by the prospect of change, and by the thought of moving past your comfort zone, you’re ready to fly high. Welcome new opportunities, and know that it’s safe to follow your heart and dreams. Keep your focus on love, service, and spirit, and avoid naysayers. Remember that you inspire others with your determination to turn challenges into victories.


 This February focus on your spiritual strength and power. Lovingly and firmly transform your intentions into reality. You are the creator of your current and future life. Until you can take responsibility for what you have created, you cannot change it. And you cannot change it if you do not believe that you have the power to do so. Become conscious and aware of your thoughts, feelings and the words you express. These are powerful! Listen to your inner voice and act upon it. Whatever you wish for, set your intentions on it and you will achieve it.


This February call upon an angel to guide you. Angels want to help you and guide you. Close your eyes, cleanse your mind and just tell what situation you’d like help. Be open to receiving help as it comes to you. The help might be in the form of a feeling or an intuitive idea. Most importantly, be open to receiving help as it comes to you.


Playing it safe can lead to staleness and boredom (pun intended). This month features some starry alignments that bode quite well for passion. Your prayers for a great love have been heard and answered, and it all begins with you. Take risks and follow your heart’s passion when it comes to your love life. Angels will guide and nurture you throughout. Anything that stirs your heart with joy will help passion bubble forth and positively flow into your romantic life.


February is asking you to take a break from your monotonous life and spend some time outdoors. What more could you ask for in the month of love? Go for a walk with your partner or plan a dinner date under stars, in the moonlight. Being in nature will help renew your spirit, relieve stress and will definitely revive your relationship.


February could begin with a flurry. Your home and work environments affect you on many levels. Clutter can erode your energy, creativity, and prosperity. Declutter both mental, physical clutter, negative thinking and clearing energy. Stay in Higher Self, focusing on bliss, love and joy, and spend time experiencing more grace and peace in life. You’ll notice huge improvements in all areas of your life as a result of this endeavour.


Got an idea to make this Valentine’s Day special? Are you acting on the ideas that come to you? This card confirms that you are on the right track. Please continue working on the wonderful ideas that you have as they will be acknowledged and appreciated by your partner. Just remember that actions speak louder than words. Act upon it immediately.

To get your complete tarot card reading, visit Tarot Revelations here.

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