Eat Your Way To A Flatter Stomach: 3 Things To Add To Your Diet Right Now

Via- Canva


As the bikini season is narrowing upon us, the goal to look hotter and fitter than ever is haunting like a ghost. It’s finally time to put an end to all the talking and actually make it happen (Think of your colleagues swooning with envy!). However, those sinful cheat meals with girlfriends leave us feeling satiated yet bloated. Kicking away carbs completely is almost unimaginable, and hey, we deserve to live a little. So, by including probiotics, fibre and chlorophyll in our diets, we can help level our bellies without feeling guilt-ridden while indulging.

Slay all those bikini body goals & get your body fine-tuned with nature by adding these three super nutrients to your diet and then delete some.

1. Chlorophyll

Does this word traverse you back to the eight grade science class? You’re on the right path. Chlorophyll is one substance that plants just can’t do without. Amongst its plethora of benefits, science has proven that chlorophyll is equally beneficial for humans as well. It aids digestion, improves weight loss and leaves you feeling fuller for longer. Add this in your detox routine right away. Here’s how you can secure chlorophyll:

• Leafy green vegetables

This one’s a no-brainer. Anything that’s edible and green in color comes packed with the goodness of chlorophyll. If you’re one of the salad eaters, then guess what, you’re already winning. Romaine lettuce, kale & broccoli are especially great for inducing your body with this magic nutrient.

• Sprouts

Don’t get duped by the tiny size of sprouts as good things often come in small packages. These tiny beasts are loaded with ten times more vitamins than legumes and are a great way of adding chlorophyll in your body.

• Hemp Seeds

Hemp seeds will be a great addition to your diet not only for its nutrient content, but also for its crunchy taste. Toss some in your salad, in between your sandwiches or on top of your favorite pasta.

• Herbs

Be it basil, parsley or cilantro, all the bright green herbs have a delectable aroma that can instantly liven up any dish. Apart from being the star toppers of famous platters, herbs come loaded with chlorophyll that aids the detoxification process.

2. Fibre

A type of carbohydrate, fibre is that part of a plant or vegetable that is not digested by the body. Why you must consume it then? Fibre retains in the gut and is expelled in the feces. In other words, fibre adds bulk to the faeces and ensures that things are moving smoothly down there. Various conditions like constipation, haemorrhoids, diabetes, high cholesterol, and bowel cancer can be avoided by consuming an average of 18 grams fibre each day. Here’s how you can add fibre to your diet:

• Oats

An oatmeal breakfast is a guilt-free and healthy way of morning indulgence. It contains as much as four grams of fibre per cup. Toss in some carrots & peas in it and you’ll have one magic bowl full of all-things-healthy.

• Fruits & veggies

Fruits like berries, oranges & banana don’t only just taste good, but also help things move smoothly in your bowel. So if you’re aiming for that flawless figure, start your mornings with a bowl of fresh fruits and boiled veggies. Keep a few handy in your bag to snack every time those hunger pangs strike.

• Other sources

 Avocados
 Whole wheat products
 Berries
 Bran Flakes

3. Probiotics

Ever thought bacteria could keep your gut healthy? Well, this is one of the many functions of probiotics. It is one naturally occurring substance that keeps fat producing bacteria under check and aids digestion of less-soluble food. Here’s how you can secure the intake of probiotics:

• Miso Soup

One of the core substances of ancient Japanese medicine, Miso Soup is popularly used for monitoring digestion. It is prepared using beans, barley, rice, and fermented rye and adding it to hot water makes an exceptional and easy, probiotic-rich soup, packed with the goodness of lactobacilli and bifidus bacteria.

• Yogurt

Probably one of the easiest and best sources of probiotics, yogurt can be consumed in a number of ways. Opt for labels that contain goat’s milk. Steer clear of labels that use artificial sweeteners.

• Dark Chocolate

Need another reason to binge on chocolate? Swap your regular one with the darker, healthier version. Science has proven that dark chocolate contains almost four times more probiotics than dairy.

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