APRIL ISSUE – Cover Launch

As we march ahead into April, we’re excited about the summer soiree.

The face of the cover for April is the exceptionally talented artist and rapper – Naezy (Naved Shaikh), the real-life GULLY BOY. Naezy is the torchbearer of the Indian hip-hop and released his debut single ‘Aafat’ in January 2014, garnering over 2,00,000 views on YouTube. Ranveer Singh’s Gully boy was inspired by the real-life story of Divine and Naezy.

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All throughout April, our thoughts go out to the upcoming summer and the new season trends. Merging this seasonal experience with the different facets of life, we endeavor to offer you content as fresh as the season, all throughout the month, while consciously interweaving it with our inherent theme of Empowerment.

We look forward to the new month and thank all our keen readers and supporters for being a part of our journey.

Extended Thanks To:

Naezyfor gracing our cover.

Isobar, for the location.

Mitesh Punjabi, for photographing the cover.

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